Payment Policy – IIMB Alumni Club, Taj Westend, Bengaluru

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the IIMB Alumni Club. This payment policy outlines the terms and conditions related to membership fees and payments.

Membership Fees:

Membership fees are required to access and enjoy the exclusive benefits and services offered by the IIMB Alumni Club. The fees will be clearly communicated during the membership registration process. Please note that membership fees may vary depending on the type of membership and the duration chosen.

Payment Methods:

We accept the following payment methods for membership fees:

• Credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)

• Debit cards

• Online payment gateways (e.g., PayPal, Stripe)

• Bank transfers

Payment Terms:

There are three kinds of Membership available:

• Life-Time membership (presently not available)

• Term Membership

• Corporate Membership

For Life-Time membership plans, payment of the full membership fee is required at the time of registration. For the other membership plans with recurring fees, payment will be billed in advance according to the billing cycle. The payment frequency and amount will be clearly mentioned during the membership sign-up process.


All membership fees of the IIMB Alumni Club are exclusive of applicable taxes, unless otherwise stated. We reserve the right to modify membership fees at any time. However, if you have already registered and paid for a membership, the agreed-upon fee will be honored for the duration of that specific membership term.


We prioritize the security of your payment information. All online transactions for membership fees are encrypted using industry-standard security measures to protect your sensitive data. However, we cannot guarantee absolute security due to factors beyond our control.


Membership fees are non-refundable, except in exceptional circumstances as determined by the IIMB Alumni Club management. Requests for refunds will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the IIMB Alumni Club administration for any refund-related queries.

Payment Confirmation:

Upon successful completion of the payment for your membership, you will receive an email confirmation with relevant details regarding your membership plan. Please retain this confirmation for your records.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our payment policy or need assistance with payments, please contact the IIMB Alumni Club administration at

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